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Rae McDonald - Visits and Presentations

I'm at work in the studio.

I would love to hear from you.


I am available for in person and virtual visits. Please contact me.






Words of Note and Praise:

Invite Rae to your school or program. 

She will be thrilled to visit.  

Attendees will leave with inspiration and a love of story.


Elementary School Visit 2019 
      Rae McDonald's visit to Maple Lawn Elementary was an absolute treat for both students and staff!  Her warmth and energy connected with students at all grade levels, and she provided everyone with valuable insights into how to gather ideas for writing, as well as how to develop those ideas into stories.  Rae McDonald engaged students with delightful accounts of the personal experiences and adventures that inspired her books, and allowed the audience a glimpse into the world of the memorable characters and stories she has created.  Such a wonderful way to foster readers and inspire writers!
Brad Jacobsen
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Librarian

Sumner, Wa


For many years Rae McDonald has worn many hats in her work-a-day world of literary expertise. She is a highly trained teacher and librarian steeped in Common Core Standards, thinking skills, and curriculum development across the grades spending the lion's share of her days face to face with bright youngsters in a library classroom setting.

In Rae's writing world, she swims with her mind wide open gathering puzzle pieces for stories yet to be written. Rae lives in Puyallup, Washington near the woods, water, and wetlands all of which inspire her creative juices every single day. She is excited to share the process of building a story from the moment of inspiration, through research, writing, editing, and publishing.

Bumping your toe on a story idea is where the fun begins. Rae’s A FISHING SURPRISE began with a backwards bike ride, GRAN,GRAN, GRANNY was years in the making while getting to know a grand old Douglas fir tree, and WICKY… he is one rascal of a flicker bird with a big problem, a big heart, and a knack for problem solving with mysterious I spy clues.


See below for session suggestions. Let's plan together the best program fit for your group.

Use the message box or email Rae at: raeamcdonald @gmail.com 

Visits And Programs With Rae
In Person or Virtual 

Session Suggestions:


First know that I want to plan with you to tailor my presentation to your group or audience. I am flexible and will work with you to provide the type of program you see will fit best. 

For groups large or small, all ages and grades, 45-50 minutes grades 3-6, 30-40 minutes grades K-2.
Stories, all of ours, come from daily experiences and observations. I share the genesis of my own stories and their transformation through the research, writing and editing processes. I will use projected visuals that can be tailored to a specific book or multiple titles. STEM and STEAM connections are included. I’m flexible, and will work with you to plan.
I touch on many Common Core Standards in my presentations. My focus for this presentation is: Reading Literature - Craft and Structure

* WHO - WHAT - WHERE - WHEN – WHY Presentation or Workshop:
For grade level groupings, or individual classroom groupings. 45-50 minutes.
Observation and experience lead us to the moment of inspiration. A single image, an experience, or a profound overheard conversation may lead us to say… “That could be a book”! I project a variety of images and lead participants through the 5 W’s of building a story from a captured image. Model “I wonder...” along with WHAT details are shown in the image, WHO are the characters, WHAT is the story problem or challenge, WHY the challenge matters to WHO, HOW will the characters meet the challenge, and WHERE is the setting and WHY setting matters. I will model and encourage participants to create story elements using the 5 W’s and I WONDER. (STEAM connections and drawing included.)
Common Core Standard focus for this presentation if Reading Literature K-4 3.1-3.4 Key Ideas and Details.

For grade level groupings, or individual classroom groupings. 50 minutes.
This project works well as a family writing activity evening, and you may wish to include me in your planning.
Throughout our lives we make heartfelt connections to places and experiences that thrill us, warm our hearts, allow us to wonder and kindle a sense of belonging and togetherness. Sometimes we experience a life changing significant event.
This presentation centers on a discussion with students of places that make their heart sing, especially family and outdoor experiences. Once shared, a platform for writing rich descriptions full of sensory details is set. Students are asked to think deep as to why these places and times matter to them and share their ideas in the a brainstormed list or in story form. Extension: Draw a map to or of this favorite place or act out expressions and gestures for related emotions as they show rather than tell.
Common Core Focus: Reading Literature - Craft and Structure - Words and phrases (.4)

For classroom or small size groups. 45 minutes. Using my own stories converted to reader’s theatre form, young readers will take on the voice of a character and read to recreate the story aloud. Teachers follow up by having students write their own stories in script form to share as reader’s theatre in their own classroom. Model story may include my published work or a sneak peak at unpublished works.

I am available for library and community group visits. Please email me with your ideas, dates, and presentation focus. I would enjoy teaming up for a creative plan that suits your interests.

In Person Honorarium:
Please chat with Rae about your budget, as she will work to meet your needs. Rae’s standard fee for a full day of four in person presentations is $600. Half-day in person presentations are $350. For an added evening event add $200. If my drive is more than 30 minutes, a fee for mileage is added. If your location is 90 minutes or more away by car from my Puyallup, WA home, let’s discuss logistics (hotel, mileage, etc.) It is my goal to arrive early and be fresh and ready to begin a great day at your venue. I am flexible and will work with you on specifics.

Event Equipment – Set up details:
Contact Rae for setup and equipment particulars depending on presentation Viertual Visits:


Virtual Visit Honorarium:

ZOOM and similar virtual visits: $75 for a 45 minute or similar session. Flexible fee depending on situation and needs. 

Contact Rae to plan a visit.



A contract will be arranged to reflect our agreements for a program. 

Book Sales:
Use a local bookstore to help with book supplies and sales.
Ordering ahead and advance sales are efficient.

I am also able to bring books to fill sales needs. Let's talk about logistics.
However, post event sales often work well due to familiarity with Rae.

Yes, Rae looks forward to signing books.
Build in time during the event without lines for autographing.
Tuck a form in each book giving autographing specifics.
For advance sales, autographing may be handled in advance depending on your location.